We have prepared a detailed business plan. This ensures that adequate funding is in place to deliver the required services. As the service develops and grows we will reinvest in the business by employing more journalists and improving the quality and depth of service. It will also allow us to invest in new community media ventures creating work opportunities locally and improving news coverage at a hyperlocal level.

As a community benefit society we are required by law to reinvest any profit generated for the benefit of the community we represent. This will allow us to support new community ventures, not line the pockets of company directors, shareholders and pension fund managers.

We will be completely transparent, publishing our accounts alongside our annual report, and you will be able to interrogate and challenge its content at our Annual General Meeting which will be open to all shareholders. You will know exactly what your investment and subscriptions are funding.

We want to create a service the people of Wales value, a service that can influence Wales in the now and the future. We’re building a service that’s owned by you and the people who work for Talking Wales. That’s why we’ve created a cooperative company to deliver Talking Wales.

We will be looking to raise initial working capital via a share issue where you can become a member with full voting rights at the company’s Annual General Meeting. This funding will allow us to employ the team required for the service launch.

Your support is greatly appreciated and valued, and you can help us during our pilot phase by clicking the donate button below.
