Changing the news cycle in Wales

The current news cycle in Wales is still heavily influenced by the news agenda set in London by the large media organisations that publish the daily newspapers and the BBC.

News providers in Wales tend to be reactive, sharing press releases and responding to report launches and the currently limited spaces where politics, news and current affairs can be discussed and challenged means that Welsh citizens are missing out.

We’re looking to change that.

We want to create a space that discusses news, current affairs, politics and culture from a Welsh perspective on our terms. We want to ask challenging questions and examine the issues behind the headlines.

Broadcasting daily from 7:30 am until 10 am, lunchtimes between 12 pm and 2 pm and between 5 pm and 6:30 pm we’ll lead the news agenda in Wales and follow those stories throughout the day, sharing them across a multitude of platforms, online, social media, email and WhatsApp.

We’ll give Welsh citizens a platform to air and share their views on the news of the day and help bring issues that may be affecting them at a local and national level to our attention.

You can support our work as we incorporate as a Community Benefit Society and prepare our initial share issue by making a donation below.


Huw Marshall


Talking Wales

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